Friday, July 10, 2020


To die
To sleep
To sleep
Perchance to dream
Aye, there’s the rub
For in that sleep of death
What dreams may come

What if the light
Were actually darkness
And the darkness

Say God were sleeping
And sleeping
A dream

Or say that God were sleeping
And one of his children made a mischief

Say God and his Asherah
Dream together
And while they dream
One child were to play
A dark game?

The Squire of Gothos writ large

Say the wind
That blows across the Dark Plain
Lifts now this grain of sand
And then
That grain of sand
Sends it in saltation
Randomly striking
Now this grain
Then that

Shall then not a pattern arise
And from the random dance
Order appear

How odd

How futile is the Darkness
How pointless the Light

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