Saturday, May 13, 2017

Silence, and The Wind.

It never rains here



Never is a very long time.

Here? Yes and No.

If there's no water, then there's no life here?

We're here.

I don't know about you, but I'm still not certain I'm not dead and this is Hell or Purgatory or Limbo.

I thought they got rid of Purgatory and Limbo.

No. They just expanded the Pales of Hope.


Silence, and the wind.

The water is the life.

No, the blood is the life.

Yes. But blood is mostly water.

But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.


And Deuteronomy... The New Testament. Old YHWH has a thing about blood.

silence, and the wind.

If there's no water, what do we drink?

We don't.

If we get thirsty?

Doesn't happen.


Not here.

So, we appear to have bodies, but we don't really have bodies?

Good question.

Silence, and the wind.

Huh. It moves doesn't it?


The Cathedral, Temple, whatever the hell it is. It moves.

I'm not sure if it moves, or if it's the one fixed point here, and The City moves around it.

And the Bridge?

It... is....

Silence, and the wind.

I lost my watch somewhere.

No. Time doesn't... I... You can't bring a watch here,  I tried,  nothing that measures time.  Was it a wristwatch? 


You'll have it when you go back.

You're sure I'll go back.


What am I supposed to do then?

I don't know.

Silence, and

The Wind.

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