Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Saul hated cats.

Saul hated cats, let the record show,
especially cats who were white as snow.
Saul was a small man, as his name states,
a man of petty thoughts, and also petty hates.
Saul heard a voice in the desert one day
as towards Damascus he made his way
to arrest some Jews, even though he had no warrant,
nor authority, nor leave, nor reason; so abhorrent
he found the Yeshuah movement that he would 
lay them by the heels before the court if but he could!

"Oh Saul" he heard a voice - 
he later thought it might be god -
"Why persecutest thou me?" 
followed by a flash of blinding light
(which his fellow travelers saw and heard,
or perhaps did not, depending)
which laid him out cold 
turning daytime into night,
his consciousness descending
into the void.
again, which may, 
or may not, 
have been observed
by all the others with him.
(depending on the story)
see acts or see epistles, 
"let us generate confusion"
thought the authors 
who wrote later,
neither omniscient 
nor omnipresent.
(but then, who is?)
Reconstructed dialog 
in the finest Roman fashion,
based on what they thought 
he might have said
lying on his back 
in that position.


Saul lay blind and deaf,
for three days? So they say.
perhaps more, or perhaps less,
what's it matter anyway?
And when he woke, 
he then and there informed 
all those who were about him
that Saul was henceforth 
to be known as Paul!
And my lord were they astounded!

Remember how old yhwh drove Josiah into madness
that whispering voice that talks and talks and talks till one with gladness
would do anything the voice commands for just one moment of silence
even transmute the ideas of a lord of peace into a religion of violence.

Aeon after aeon the pleroma and sofia
wandered through the trackless desert
beneath a heaven starless
seeking to undo 
(without Eldest knowing)
unreap an evil harvest,
undo an evil sowing.

Saul, he was a small man.

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