Saturday, June 11, 2011


They are the pillars
which uphold the world.
The ten righteous ones.
They deny me my rule.
They deny me my power.
So long as they live,
my victory is denied.

Shall we hunt them then?

We do hunt them.

the three

the seven
the ten 
the twelve.

First -

we must find them.
Sofia scatters them
randomly about.
first here,
then there.
She is wise,
but also clever.

How then shall we find them?



The key has been hidden.

The book has been hidden.
The word has been hidden.
The truth has been hidden.

How then shall we enter?

The temple has been destroyed.

Yes, but it cost you Saul.

And it cost them Peter.
Joshua, Yeshua, are they not one and the same?

I  don't understand.

You think I must first find the key,

to open the gate.

But the key is hidden.

True, true, the key is hidden.

And without the key, 
I cannot open the gate

And the three

the seven
the ten
the twelve
are they not the wall?

Joshua, Yeshua, are they not one and the same?

Joshua brought you to that place

Yes, that barren land, locked inside that box,

across the river, flowing water.

Yeshua bar Joseph, 

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.
But who saved the people from my famine?


Yeshua bar Joseph,
Yeshua bar Yhwh,
Yeshua bar Nun.

So the stories go.

But I know the truth,

I always know the truth,
because I made up the stories.

The stories are yours.

Yes, the stories are mine. You see, lies work best when they are based in truth.

Still, there is the wall, and there is only one key to the gate, and it is hidden.


So how? How will you get the key?

Joshua, Yeshua, are they not one and the same?

But the key?

If one first destroys the wall,

one need not use,
the gate.

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