Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Street of Books

There are many streets in the City of Night.
Some straight as arrows flight on a still day.
Others curve serpentine upon themselves,
celtic knotting such a twisted topology
that he can never be certain he has again
returned to the place where he began.

Some barely shoulder wide,
even sideways turning.
Others great avenues,
broad and endless,
whereon all the armies that ever were
might pass on revue,
on their way,
to whatever doom awaits them.

There are roads which climb hills
Escher like, that have no summit.
Endless they spiral,
with no beginning
and no end.
He has walked them slowly
many nights, until dawn waking
set him free,
back to the daylit world
of beginnings,
and endings.

There are the avenues
of once great houses,
Victorian, Edwardian. Elaborate.
Gaudy painted ladies,
shingled walls,
and slated roofs
now fallen into disarray.
Age stained, mildew gray.
Tall vacant windows, rotted curtains,
face empty streets, where no one walks,
save him.

Of some streets,
he seems to remember,
ghosts of trees.
Stark bare branched
unleafed, fingers dead reach upward,
deep rooted in soil which has never
known life.
Nor sun.
Nor rain.
Unbarked like the failing elms
he knew as a child
walking the streets
of the waking world,
before some strange disease
had girdled them unseen,
left them standing
to slowly die.

There are no living colors there.
It is a place of brown and grey,
faded red ancient brick,
Dull yellow, grey rose.
Colors of things
left too long in a sun
that has never shone.
the faded, grayed, unliving colors,
of stillness, of silence, of waiting, of death.

Then one night he awoke
to find himself standing,
The Street of Books.

It is wide,
The Street of Books.
running die straight
between tall embankments
of dark green grass rising.
from the granite curbed street.
To each house
a granite stair
iron railed,
flights upward
to a great, dark, six panel door.
Iron hinged and iron latched.
which stands closed
in the center
of the heavy buildings.
some of stone.
some of brick.

The Street of Books
is lit in amber,
which casts no shadow,
and it has no sky.

He remembers his first time
there he found himself
standing centered in the street
where he had never
been before.
to either side buildings
that were not houses
and of which no two
were alike.

except in two details -
a great, dark, six panel door,
flanked each side,
by tall windows,
of crystal glass.

Some two stories.
Some three.

the broad granite steps
a much greater distance
than it seemed
from the street
he found at the top
a pavement of slabbed
dark strange stone
linking the stairs
which lead to the doors
iron hinged and latched
six panel doors
of wood
dark as mahogany
doors which are locked
like so many things in the City of Night.
doors for which he has
no key.

So he looked into the window
and saw there

Floor to ceiling,
shelves and shelves,
of books.
Octavo -
Quarto -
Folio -
bound in leather
bound in parchment
bound in cloth
in a rainbow of colors
stretching away from the windows
as far as he could see.

He went again to the door
he walked to the next building
to look through the windows
to see the same.
and he knew
that in there
was the thing he needed
in one of those books
he would find the key
he began to run
door to door
locked -
locked -

Screaming frustration
he would have thrown
a rock through a window
but there were no rocks there.
and he would discover
that the glass would not break
no matter what force
was brought to bear.

But there answer is in there
he knows it.

If only he can find the key.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Winged Night

Winged night, swift pinioned, moon polished.
Awakes, swift lofts from Eldests shoulder.
Wings sailset, black bright.
True Navigator he,
of the Night Ocean.
Moon lit, Star dusted,
story keeper, story teller.
Claw catcher of Dreams.

Winged night, black beaked, the watcher.
Bearer of thought, memories house.
Sharp honed ear sent forth to listen
to Dreams freesailing
upon the Night Ocean.
The children of Gods,
the spawn of Monsters,
await, fear, the Dawn.

Winged night, Message bearer, Star keeper.
Born of the World Tree.
Blackbright, Thought of the Father.
First born of She,
Mother of the All. Who rode
stormtossed, the chaos void,
before First Thought brought forth
the world of time.

Winged night, pathfinder, wayfarer.
Sword eyed, taloned blacksharp
to catch swift
the fleeting Dreamships.
Messenger between the worlds he.
Nightblack, pinions wide,
Wings windswift above
the Nightdark Sea.

Winged night, tale teller, dream catcher,
nighteyed, to the West
spies empty, a Ship of Dream.
Sailtorn, rudder pintle lifted,
storm wracked, tear stained, kingpinned,
uncaptained. Hull cargo filled
with Soul-death, thought destroyer,
He, banished at First Light.

Winged night, tale teller, memory's keeper.
Stormblack clawed, bright star tipped,
swiftcatches the Dream Ship, deathfilled,
edgepoised at Dawns shining edge.
Touches not the cargo, nor spills.
Bears swiftwinged home the Dream Ship, Death Ship.
Rides blacksilver swift, the River of Dawn.
To the Great Hall, where Eldest sits dreaming.

Winged night, storm cryer, secret keeper.
Black winged, Dawnbright uplifted.
Talonbearer, holds wracked, soul dead,
the Dreamship life empty,
to the Hall of Fire and Gold,
where Eldest waits dreaming.
At his feet, nights red embers,
fire bright, fly sparking upward,
to quicken, newborn, on the River Dawn.

Winged night, swift pinioned, sun polished.
Returned finds now swift shut before him,
The Four Gates of the Mighty Hall,
with the shout of Ten Thousand Warriors.
North, finds Cold, the Winter Gate.
South, where Sun and Fire wait.
East, where Day comes forth, the Dawn.
West, from whence The Dark is drawn.